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Breach of Contract Lawyer
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Breach of Contract Lawyer

If you believe your attorney has violated the written agreement, contact the Arizona breach of contract lawyer at Entrekin Law today.  A ‘tort’ involves a duty imposed without the benefit of a contract, such as the duty not to run a red light and hit someone with your car. By contrast, a ‘contract’ imposes duties established by a legally enforceable agreement. Legal malpractice is a tort and is generally defined by courts across the country as the failure of an attorney to act as a reasonable and prudent attorney in the same or similar circumstances would act, causing damages.

Our Arizona Breach of Contract Attorney Offers Free Consultations!

If you are currently involved in a breach of contract case, we can help you! We offer years of experience and have won millions of dollars for our clients. Plus we work on cases across the U.S. Contact our Phoenix legal malpractice attorneys today and our breach of contract lawyer team will offer you a free initial consultation!

breach of contract attorney

When Can You Pursue Payment from Damages For a Legal Breach of Contract?

A breach of contract is the act of breaking the terms set out in a written agreement. In other words, a breach of contract is a fancy way of saying an attorney’s duties to their client are those generally imposed upon all attorneys, not just those set forth in the attorney’s contract for employment. Our breach of contract lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona can hold your law firm responsible for not upholding their contracted duties.

Sometimes clients want to sue their attorney under a breach of contract theory, but this generally is not available to the client. This is because courts generally only allow a client to sue an attorney for breach of contract if:

  1. The contract for legal employment requires the lawyer to do a specific act which would not be part of their general duties as an attorney
  2. There was total nonperformance of those specific acts required by the contract.

This second example does not come up very often. Regardless, if your attorney did not follow through or violated their contract with you, call our Arizona breach of contract lawyer today to talk about the legal malpractice remedies.

How Our Phoenix, AZ Breach of Contract Lawyer Can Help You Seek Remedies

If an attorney violates the contract that has been set forth, Our Arizona breach of contract attorney can help you seek five basic forms of remedy. This includes money damages, reformations, restitution, rescission, and specific performance. The damages one would receive for a violation of the contract case is typically a sum of money to be given as compensation for the financial losses from the infraction of the contract. In other words, it amount to be paid out depends on how much financial loss the breach of contract caused.

Click here to learn more about the different ways an attorney can break their contract and the various classifications.

Believe Your Lawyer Broke Your Contract? Let’s Discuss Some Remedies

Again, an attorney has many implied duties and if they are not holding their end of the required contract, click to contact our Arizona breach of contract attorneys today or give us a call at (602) 954-1123 to build your case and to hold your lawyer accountable. We may be able to help you recover attorney’s fees as well.

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