Who is Liable for a Rear End Collision in Arizona?

Rear-end collisions generally happen for one of two reasons: either the driver who hit you was going too fast and couldn’t stop in time, or they were following too closely (i.e., tailgating). In either case, the driver who hit you is likely at fault for the accident—and that means they could be held liable for any damages (including injuries) that you suffered as a result. If you’ve been involved in a rear-end accident and need help, contact a car accident attorney in Phoenix today to schedule a free consultation. 

Who is Liable for Rear End Collisions?

In a rear end collision, typically the driver hitting the back of the other car is at fault. The driver behind is supposed to leave enough space between their car and the car ahead of them so that they can stop if need be. If they are not leaving enough space and they hit the car in front of them, it is likely their fault. 

There are, however, always exceptions to this rule.

For example, if the driver in front suddenly slammed on their brakes which caused the driver behind to swerve and hit them, then the driver in front may be considered at least partially liable

Important Evidence to Prove Liability in a Rear-End Collision

There are many important pieces of evidence that you will need to prove liability in a rear-end collision, including but not limited to the following:

The Police Report

In most cases, a police report will be a valuable piece of evidence to establish liability in a rear-end collision. The officer who responds to the accident will speak to all the parties involved and any witnesses, and then they will prepare a report detailing what they believe happened. 

The police report will usually include a diagram of the accident scene and will note any traffic violations that may have occurred. Importantly, the officer may also list who they believe is at fault for the accident. While the officer’s opinion is not binding, it can be helpful in convincing an insurance company or jury of your version of events. 

Eyewitness Testimony

If there was someone else in your vehicle at the time of the accident, their testimony can be very helpful in proving that you were not at fault for the accident. Of course, it is always best if there are multiple witnesses – including passengers in other vehicles – who saw what happened and can attest to your version of events.


Photos of the scene can also be very helpful. You should take pictures of the damage to both vehicles. These photos can be used as visual evidence to support your claim of property damage. You should also take pictures of any injuries that you sustained in the accident. Photos can also help establish where each vehicle was positioned at the time of impact.

Medical Records

You should also obtain copies of any medical records or bills related to the accident. These documents can be used to show not only the severity of your injuries but also how much money you have had to spend as a result of them. These records can also be used to document how the injuries have impacted your life. 

If you’ve suffered a rear-end collision, it’s important to take action and seek legal help immediately. With the assistance of an experienced car and truck accident attorney in Phoenix, you’ll be able to ensure that your rights are protected and maximize your chance of getting the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.